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时间:2016-10-20 09:22:21


样品制备 细胞分选 细胞分析 细胞培养 分子分析


美天旎 快速查询手册
类别 货号 产品名称 用途 包装
T细胞分选产品 130-050-101 CD3 MicroBeads, human human T细胞分选 2ml
130-096-535 Pan T Cell Isolation Kit, human human T细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-094-973 CD3ε MicroBead Kit, mouse mouse T细胞分选 1ml抗体,2ml磁珠
130-049-101 CD90.2 MicroBeads, mouse mouse Thy-1.2细胞分选 2ml
130-094-523 CD90.1 MicroBeads, mouse and rat mouse Thy-1.1细胞分选 2ml
130-095-130 Pan T Cell Isolation Kit II, mouse mouse T细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-090-320 Pan T Cell MicroBeads, rat rat T细胞分选 2ml
CD4+T细胞分选 130-045-101 CD4 MicroBeads, human human CD4+T细胞分选 2ml
130-096-533 CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit, human human CD4+T细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-049-201 CD4 (L3T4) MicroBeads, mouse mouse CD4+T细胞分选 2ml
130-104-454 CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit, mouse mouse CD4+T细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-090-319 CD4 MicroBeads, rat rat CD4+T细胞分选 2ml
CD8+T细胞分选 130-045-201 CD8 MicroBeads, human human CD8+T细胞分选 2ml
130-096-495 CD8+ T Cell Isolation Kit, human human CD8+T细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-049-401 CD8a (Ly-2) MicroBeads, mouse mouse CD8+T细胞分选 2ml
130-104-075 CD8a+ T Cell Isolation Kit, mouse mouse CD8+T细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-090-318 CD8a MicroBeads, rat rat CD8+T细胞分选 2ml
Naïve T细胞分选 130-094-131 Naive CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit II, human human Naïve CD4+T细胞分选 kit
130-093-227 CD4+CD62L+ T Cell Isolation Kit II, mouse mouse Naïve CD4+T细胞分选 kit
130-097-095 Naive Pan T Cell Isolation Kit, human human Naïve CD4+T细胞分选 kit
130-104-453 Naive CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit, mouse mouse Naïve CD4+T细胞分选 kit
130-096-543 Naive CD8a+ T Cell Isolation Kit, mouse mouse Naïve CD8+T细胞分选 kit
130-093-244 Naive CD8+ T Cell Isolation Kit, human human Naïve CD8+T细胞分选 Kit
Memory T细胞分选 130-091-893 Memory CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit, human human Memory CD4+T细胞分选 kit
130-094-125 CD4+ Effector Memory T Cell Isolation Kit, human human CD4+Effector T细胞分选 kit
130-094-412 CD8+ Memory T Cell Isolation Kit, human human  Memory CD8+ T细胞分选 kit
TCR细胞分选 130-092-892 TCRγ/δ+ T Cell Isolation Kit, human human TCR细胞分选 kit
130-092-125 TCRγ/δ+ T Cell Isolation Kit, mouse mouse TCR细胞分选 kit
130-090-496 Anti-TCRγ/δ MicroBeads, rat rat TCR细胞分选 2ml
TH1/TH2/TH17 细胞分选 130-054-201 IFN-γ Secretion Assay-Cell Emrichment and Detection Kit(PE),human human TH1细胞分选 kit
130-054-101 IL-4 Secretion Assay – Cell Enrichment and Detection Kit (PE), human human TH2细胞分选 kit
130-094-542 IL-17 Secretion Assay – Cell Enrichment and Detection Kit (PE), human human TH17细胞分选 kit
130-090-517 Mouse IFN-γ Secretion Assay – Cell Enrichment and Detection Kit (PE) mouse TH1细胞分选 kit
130-090-515 Mouse IL-4 Secretion Assay – Cell Enrichment and Detection Kit (PE) mouse TH2细胞分选 kit
130-094-213 Mouse IL-17 Secretion Assay – Cell Enrichment and Detection Kit (PE) mouse TH17细胞分选 kit
T细胞其他辅助产品 130-091-441 T Cell Activation/Expansion Kit, human human T细胞活化/扩增试剂盒 kit
130-093-387 CD3 pure – functional grade, human (clone: OKT3) CD3功能抗体 100ug
130-093-377 CD3-Biotin – functional grade, human (clone: OKT3) CD3功能抗体-生物素标记 100ug
130-093-375 CD28 pure – functional grade, human (clone: 15E8) CD28功能抗体 100ug
130-093-386 CD28-Biotin –functional grade, human (clone: 15E8) CD28功能抗体-生物素标记 100ug
130-092-172 CytoStim, human restimulation of human effector/memory T cells. 200ul
130-097-196 TexMACS Medium, research grade T细胞培养基 500ml
130-093-915 Human IL-4, research grade IL-4细胞因子 5ug
130-095-365 Human IL-6, research grade IL-6细胞因子 10ug
130-093-627 T Cell Activation/Expansion Kit, mouse mouse T细胞活化/扩增试剂盒 kit
130-092-973 CD3ε pure –functional grade, mouse CD3功能抗体 500 μg in 1 mL
130-093-179 CD3ε-Biotin –functional grade, mouse CD3功能抗体-生物素标记 100μg in1mL
130-093-182 CD28 pure –functional grade, mouse CD28功能抗体 100 μg in 1 mL
130-093-183 CD28-Biotin –functional grade, mouse CD28功能抗体-生物素标记 100 μg in 1 mL
130-094-061 Mouse IL-4, research grade IL-4细胞因子 10ug
130-094-065 Mouse IL-6, research grade IL-6细胞因子 10ug
130-094-047 Mouse IFN-γ, research grade IFN-gamma细胞因子 20ug
Treg分选&相关 产品 130-091-301 CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit, human CD4+CD25+ Treg分选试剂盒 kit
130-094-775 CD4+CD25+CD127dim/- Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit II, human CD4+CD25+CD127-Treg分选试剂盒 kit
130-093-631 CD4+CD25+CD45RA+ Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit, human CD4+CD25+CD45RA+Treg分选试剂盒 kit
130-094-551 CD25+CD49d– Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit, human CD25+CD49D- Treg分选试剂 kit
130-091-041 CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cell Isolation Kit, mouse CD4+CD25+ Treg分选试剂盒(mouse) kit
130-095-345 Treg Expansion Kit,human human Treg扩增试剂盒 kit
130-095-925 Treg Expansion Kit,mouse mouse Treg扩增试剂盒 kit
130-092-909 Treg Suppression Inspector, human 调节性T细胞抑制功能检测试剂 2.5ml
130-096-082 Treg Detection Kit(CD4/CD25/CD127), human Treg流式检测试剂盒 kit
130-094-163 Treg Detection Kit(CD4/CD25/FoxP3) (PE), human Treg流式检测试剂盒 kit
130-094-165 Treg Detection Kit(CD4/CD25/FoxP3) (PE), mouse Treg流式检测试剂盒 kit
130-093-142 FoxP3 Staining Buffer Set Treg流式检测辅助buffer set
130-097-742 Human IL-2 IS, research grade human IL-2细胞因子 10ug
130-094-054 Mouse IL-2, research grade mouse IL-2细胞因子 5ug
B细胞分选产品 130-050-301 CD19 MicroBeads, human human B细胞分选 2ml
130-052-201 CD19 MicroBeads, mouse mouse B细胞分选 2ml
130-091-151 B Cell Isolation Kit II, human human B细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-103-466 B-CLL Cell Isolation Kit, human mouse B细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-095-813 Pan B Cell Isolation Kit, mouse mouse B细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-104-443 Pan B Cell Isolation Kit II, mouse mouse B细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-091-150 Naive B Cell Isolation Kit II, human human Naïve B细胞分选 kit
130-093-546 Memory B Cell Isolation Kit, human human Memory B细胞分选 kit
130-093-628 Plasma Cell Isolation Kit II, human human 浆细胞分选(去除分选) kit
130-051-301 CD138 MicroBeads, human human 浆细胞分选 2ml
130-095-873 Regulatory B Cell Isolation Kit, mouse mouse调节B细胞分选 kit

