Exosome(外泌体)是来源于膜的纳米级囊泡,直径在30至150 nm,它们是在正常和病理条件下由许多类型的细胞释放的。exosome对细胞功能的影响已经与各种生理过程相关联,包括:细胞间通讯、癌症转移、免疫调节活性以及传染物(如朊病毒和逆转录病毒)的传播。鉴于这种广泛的潜在相互作用,并考虑到这些纳米级囊泡包含原先细胞的RNA、microRNA和蛋白质,exosome代表了生物标志物发现的一个新兴靶点。
Biogenesis and Composition of Exosomes

● 促进肿瘤发生,控制转移灶形成和肿瘤免疫反应
● 作为循环生物标志物(miRNAs)
● 作为抗肿瘤化合物载体 |
癌症 |
● 对心脏重塑、血管形成等具有病理作用
● 作为潜在生物标志物来评价心血管疾病风险
● 作为心血管系统传递系统或载体 |
心血管疾病 |
● 一些肝脏相关细胞是外泌体分泌/ 靶向细胞
● 肝脏外泌体可以作为诊断和预后的生物标志物
● 作为新的肝病治疗法 |
肝脏疾病 |
● 尿液中的外泌体反应了泌尿系统的从足细胞到肾小管
● 作为肾脏疾病的潜在生物标志物 |
肾病 |
● 作为传递神经退行性疾病相关蛋白的载体
● 作为神经细胞状态判别的潜在生物标志物 |
神经退行性疾病 |

Amicon® Ultra-15 超滤管(10 kDa MWCO)
• 用Steriflip® 真空抽滤对样品进行澄清(目录号 SCGP00525;0.22 μm Millipore Express PLUS(PES)膜)。
• 用PBS平衡Amicon® Ultra-15超滤管(目录号 UFC901024,10 kDa MWCO),离心4000g x 10 min。
• 从超滤管内管及收集管吸走PBS。
• 向超滤管加入15 mL样品。
• 4000g离心30 min浓缩。
• 倒空收集管。
• 加入14 mL PBS进行缓冲液置换,温柔吸打样品数次。4000g离心30 min。
• 从浓缩管吸回处理好的样品。(30x 浓缩)

注意:所有Amicon® Ultra-15超滤管(0.5、2.4和15 mL)与此操作流程兼容。
• 多种样本适用
• 100μl样本完成相对或绝对定量
• 检测采用夹心法ELISA原理,灵敏度高

Description |
Sample Type |
Catalog No. |
Exosome RNA Extraction |
Pre-Isolated Exosomes |
NBP2-49789 /K1222-20/ K1222-30 |
Overall Exosome Capture and RNA Extraction |
Biofluids, Cell Media |
NBP2-49784 / K1220-10 / K1220-20 |
Tumor-derived Exosome Capture & RNA Extraction |
Biofluids |
NBP2-49788 / K1221-10 / K1221-20 |
Sample prep and detection of Exosome/Exosomal RNA |
纯化提取 |
exoRNeasy Serum/Plasma Maxi Kit (50) |
77064 |
过柱子直接提取RNA |
exoRNeasy Serum/Plasma Midi Kit (50) |
77044 |
过柱子直接提取RNA |
exoRNeasy Serum/Plasma Starter Kit (20) |
77023 |
过柱子直接提取RNA |
exoEasy Maxi Kit (20) |
76064 |
过柱子直接提取exosome |
货号 |
产品名称 |
NBP2-49802 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Biofluids |
NBP2-49803 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Biofluids |
NBP2-49804 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Biofluids |
NBP2-49805 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Serum |
NBP2-49806 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Serum |
NBP2-49807 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Serum |
NBP2-49808 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Saliva |
NBP2-49809 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Saliva |
NBP2-49810 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Saliva |
NBP2-49811 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Cell Media |
NBP2-49812 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Cell Media |
NBP2-49813 |
Overall Exosome Isolation from Cell Media |
NBP2-49814 |
Tumor-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49815 |
Tumor-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49816 |
Tumor-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49800 |
Neural-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49817 |
Neural-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49818 |
Neural-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49819 |
Glial-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49820 |
Glial-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49821 |
Glial-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49822 |
Monocytes/Platelet-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49823 |
Monocytes/Platelet-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |
NBP2-49824 |
Monocytes/Platelet-derived Exosome Isolation from Plasma |

* 产品原理图 *
• 从样本中获取总外泌体 • 小体积样本适用 • 无需超速离心和其他预富集方式 • 下游适用于核酸纯化、蛋白质分析
Size of Beads |
Usefulness |
Sample |
Catalog No. |
0.4 µm |
Overall Exosome Isolation |
Cell media |
NBP2-49826 |
1.0 µm |
Overall Exosome Isolation |
Cell media |
NBP2-49828 |
0.4 µm |
Tumor-Derived Exosome Isolation |
Biofluids |
NBP2-49829 |
1.0 µm |
Tumor-Derived Exosome Isolation |
Biofluids |
NBP2-49830 |
0.4 µm |
Overall Exosome Isolation |
Biofluids |
NBP2-49835 |
1.0 µm |
Overall Exosome Isolation |
Biofluids |
NBP2-49836 |
0.4 µm |
Overall Exosome Isolation |
Mouse biofluids |
NBP2-49831 |
1.0 µm |
Overall Exosome Isolation |
Mouse biofluids |
NBP2-49832 |
0.4 µm |
Overall Exosome Isolation |
Mouse cell media |
NBP2-49833 |
1.0 µm |
Overall Exosome Isolation |
Mouse cell media |
NBP2-49834 |
超速离心/ 密度梯度离心 |
免疫捕获 |
● 耗时耗力(>30hrs)
● 通量低(最多一次6个样本)
● 对样本量要求高
● 产量和得率低 |
● 省时省力(5-12hrs)
● 通量高(同时可准备几十个样本)
● 对样本量低(0.5-1ml)
● 产量和得率高 |



Exosomes released by chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells induce the transition of stromal cells into cancer-associated fibroblasts
磷酸激酶抗体芯片的应用 —— 应用该抗体芯片,快速筛选CLL exosomes所激活的基质细胞信号通路

Exosomes released by chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells induce the transition of stromal cells into cancer-associated fibroblasts

细胞因子抗体芯片的应用 —— 应用该抗体芯片,快速检测CLL exosomes所刺激的基质细胞细胞因子分泌
咨询热线:4008-168-068 咨询邮箱:info@univ-bio.com 微信平台:优宁维抗体专家