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BD Rhapsody最新引用文献

时间:2021-11-11 11:54:39

BD Rhapsody最新引用文献

IF 杂志 文章
38.6 cell Severe COVID-19 Is Marked by a Dysregulated Myeloid Cell Compartment
36.1 naturemedicine Distinct synovial tissue macrophage subsets regulate inflammation and remjssion in rheumatoid arthritis
28.5 Nature methods Reliability of human cortical organoid generation
23.5 natureimmunology Identification of a novel arthritis-associated osteoclast precursor macrophage regulated by FoxM1
21.6 Cell Metabolism FGF21 Signals to Glutamatergic Neurons in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus to Suppress Carbohydrate Intake
20.5 natureimmunology Single-cell transcriptome profling reveals neutrophil heterogeneity in homeostasis and infection
20.042 Nature cell biology Single-cell analysis reveals transcriptomic remodellings in distinct cell types that contribute to human prostate cancer progression
16.6 Blood Novel Simultaneous Single Cell mRNA and Protein Expression Profiling Identifies Distinct Treg  and T Effector Signatures in the Bone Marrow of MDS Patients
14.467 circulation research Single cell RNA sequencing in atherosclerosis research
14.3 annals of the rheumatic diseases Single-cell RNA-seq analysis identifies meniscus progenitors and reveals the progression  of meniscus degeneration
12.8 Science Advances Sustained IFN-I stimulation impairs MAIT cell responses to bacteria by inducing IL-10  during chronic HIV-1 infection
11.7 JEM Brain transforms natural killer cells that exacerbate brain edema after intracerebral hemorrhage
10.7 Genome Medicine Discovery of CD80 and CD86 as recent activation markers on regulatory T cells by protein-RNA single-cell analysis
10.228 clinicalimmunology Single Cell Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Key ImmuneCell Phenotypes in the lungs of patients with of Asthma Exacerbation
8.728 Cancerimmunology An Antibody Targeting ICOS Increases Intratumoral Cytotoxic to Regulatory T-cell Ratio and Induces Tumor Regression
8.282 cell reports medicine Human Tumor-Infltrating MAIT Cells Display Hallmarks of Bacterial Antigen Recognition  in Colorectal Cancer
7.9 clinicaland translational medicine Analysis of single-cell RNAseq identifes transitional states of T cells associated with  hepatocellular carcinoma
7.8 cell reports Microglial A20 Protects the Brain from CD8 T-Cell-Mediated Immunopathology
7.8 cell reports A Targeted Multi-omic Analysis Approach Measures Protein Expression and Low-Abundance Transcripts on the Single-Cell Level