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时间:2021-11-26 09:01:09

文章主题:  IL-21 drives expansion and plasma cell differentiation of autoreactive CD11chiT-bet+Bcells in SLE
在文章中显示了不寻常的CD11c hi T-bet + B细胞亚群,其独特的表达谱包括与趋向目标组织的迁移一致的趋化因子受体,在SLE患者中扩展,存在于肾病性肾脏中,其自身反应性特异性丰富并且与已定义的相关临床表现。IL-21可以有效诱导CD11c hi T-bet + B细胞,并促进这些细胞分化为分泌Ig的自反应浆细胞。虽然鼠类研究已确定表达T-bet的B细胞在自身免疫中的作用,但这项研究描述并举例说明了CD11c的重要性人类SLE中的hi T-bet + B细胞。







Phenotype of CD11chi B cells from SLE patients.
a–e Phenotype of CD11c− (blue) or CD11chi (red) CD19+ B cell subsets as indicated was determined in SLE where a unique donor is shown for each panel. 
a  Representative phenotype of B cell subsets from the same SLE donor.
b ,c CD20 or CD24 expression in B cell subsets from separate SLE donors.
d  Expression of TNF family members was determined on SLE B cell populations as indicated.
e  FcRL family members were assessed on SLE B cell populations as indicated from the same donor.
f  Expression of IgD by IL-21R was determined on SLE B cellpopulations as indicated. 
g  Fold change of FcRL measured as Mean Fluorescence intensity (MFI) of B cell subsets compared to CD11c− B cells as indicated.(Data are represented as mean ± SEM, unpaired t test with Welch’s correction *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, n = 5 SLE). 
h  Relative telomere length (RTL) was determined in B cell populations as indicated and plotted as % naive B cells.