品牌: BD Pharmingen

DRAQ7™ (Deep Red Anthraquinone 7) is a far-red fluorescent DNA dye. DRAQ7™ is cell impermeable and may be used to stain nucleic acids in fixed cells for cell cycle analysis by DNA content, nuclear visualization, or discrimination of nucleated cells from debris or enucleated cells. Because DRAQ7 is impermeable to intact cells, it may also be used as a viability dye. DRAQ7™ has an excitation wavelength maxima of 599/644 nm, but can also be suboptimally excited by the 488 nm wavelength laser. Its emission wavelength maximum is 678 nm, or 694 nm when intercalated with double-stranded DNA.

DRAQ7™ (Deep Red Anthraquinone 7) is a far-red fluorescent DNA dye. DRAQ7™ is cell impermeable and may be used to stain nucleic acids in fixed cells for cell cycle analysis by DNA content, nuclear visualization, or discrimination of nucleated cells from debris or enucleated cells. Because DRAQ7 is impermeable to intact cells, it may also be used as a viability dye. DRAQ7™ has an excitation wavelength maxima of 599/644 nm, but can also be suboptimally excited by the 488 nm wavelength laser. Its emission wavelength maximum is 678 nm, or 694 nm when intercalated with double-stranded DNA.

Aqueous buffered solution containing proprietary ingredients.

Development References(5)
1. Akagi J, Kordon M, Zhao H, et al. Real-time cell viability assays using a new anthracycline derivative DRAQ7®. Cytometry A. 2013; 83(2):227-234. (Methodology).
2. Edward R. Red/far-red fluorescing DNA-specific anthraquinones for nucl:cyto segmentation and viability reporting in cell-based assays. Methods Enzymol. 2012; 505:23-45. (Methodology).
3. Smith PJ, Blunt N, Wiltshire M, et al. Characteristics of a novel deep red/infrared fluorescent cell-permeant DNA probe, DRAQ5, in intact human cells analyzed by flow cytometry, confocal and multiphoton microscopy. Cytometry. 2000; 40(4):280-291. (Methodology).
4. Smith PJ, Wiltshire M, Davies S, et al. A novel cell permeant and far red-fluorescing DNA probe, DRAQ5, for blood cell discrimination by flow cytometry. J Immunol Methods. 1999; 229(1):131-139. (Methodology).
5. Smith PJ, Wiltshire M, Errington RJ. DRAQ5 Labeling of Nuclear DNA in Live and Fixed Cells. Curr Protoc Cytom. 7(7.25)(Methodology).

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