Fixable Viability Stain 570

Fixable Viability Stain 570

品牌: BD Pharmingen
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    Intracellular staining (flow cytometry), Flow cytometry (Tested During Development)
    Intracellular staining (flow cytometry), Flow cytometry (Tested During Development)
    BD Horizon™ Fixable Viability Stain 570 (FVS570) is useful for discrimination of viable from non-viable mammalian cells in multicolor flow cytometric applications. This dye reacts with and covalently binds to cell-surface and intracellular amines. Permeable plasma cell membranes, such as those present in necrotic cells, allow for the intracellular diffusion and covalent binding of the dye to the higher levels of total cellular amines when compared to living cells with impermeable plasma membranes.  Therefore, necrotic cells present in a typical in vitro assay label with higher levels of dye increasing their FVS570 fluorescence intensities 10-20 fold over that of viable cells. The FVS570-labeled cells can be fixed with formaldehyde for downstream decontamination, freezing and/or permeabilization and subsequent intracellular staining while maintaining stable viability stain fluorescence. BD Horizon™ Fixable Viability Stain 570 is best excited by the Yellow-Green laser (with an excitation maximum of 547 nm), but is also well-excited by the Blue laser. It has a fluorescence emission maximum of 573 nm.
    BD Horizon™ Fixable Viability Stain 570 (FVS570) is useful for discrimination of viable from non-viable mammalian cells in multicolor flow cytometric applications. This dye reacts with and covalently binds to cell-surface and intracellular amines. Permeable plasma cell membranes, such as those present in necrotic cells, allow for the intracellular diffusion and covalent binding of the dye to the higher levels of total cellular amines when compared to living cells with impermeable plasma membranes.  Therefore, necrotic cells present in a typical in vitro assay label with higher levels of dye increasing their FVS570 fluorescence intensities 10-20 fold over that of viable cells. The FVS570-labeled cells can be fixed with formaldehyde for downstream decontamination, freezing and/or permeabilization and subsequent intracellular staining while maintaining stable viability stain fluorescence. BD Horizon™ Fixable Viability Stain 570 is best excited by the Yellow-Green laser (with an excitation maximum of 547 nm), but is also well-excited by the Blue laser. It has a fluorescence emission maximum of 573 nm.
    Intracellular staining (flow cytometry), Flow cytometry (Tested During Development)
    研发参考(5) 1. Abrams B, Diwu Z, Guryev O, et al. 3-Carboxy-6-chloro-7-hydroxycoumarin: a highly fluorescent, water-soluble violet-excitable dye for cell analysis. Anal Biochem. 2009; 386(2):262-269. (Methodology). 2. Burmeister Y, Lischke T, Dahler AC, et al. ICOS controls the pool size of effector-memory and regulatory T cells. J Immunol. 2008; 180(2):774-782. (Methodology). 3. Charles ED, Green RM, Marukian S, et al. Clonal expansion of immunoglobulin M+CD27+ B cells in HCV-associated mixed cryoglobulinemia. Blood. 2008; 111(3):1344-1356. (Methodology). 4. Perfetto SP, Chattopadhyay PK, Lamoreaux L, et al. Amine reactive dyes: an effective tool to discriminate live and dead cells in polychromatic flow cytometry. J Immunol Methods. 2006; 313(1–2):199-208. (Methodology). 5. Perfetto SP, Chattopadhyay PK, Lamoreaux L, et al. Amine-reactive dyes for dead cell discrimination in fixed samples. Curr Protoc Cytom. 9(9.34)(Methodology).


    Flow cytometric analysis of human Jurkat cells stained with BD Horizon™ Fixable Viability Stain 570. Cells from the human Jurkat (Acute T cell leukemia, ATCC TIB-152) cell line were treated with 0.025% DMSO (Left Panel) or 5 μM camptothecin (Right Panel) for 16 hours and then stained with BD Horizon™ Fixable Viability Stain 570 (Cat. No. 564995) in serum-free buffer. The cells were then either left unfixed (solid line histograms) or fixed in BD Cytofix™ Fixation Buffer (Cat. No. 554655) and permeabilized in BD Phosflow™ Perm/Wash Buffer I (Cat. No. 557885) (dashed line histograms). Histograms were derived from gated events with the forward and side light-scattering characteristics of Jurkat cells. Flow cytometric analysis was performed using a BD LSRFortessa™ Flow Cytometry System. Please note that FVS570 is also compatible with BD Phosflow™ Perm Buffer III (Cat. No.558050) or BD Pharmingen™ Transcription Factor Buffer Set (Cat. No. 562574/562725). Fixable Viability Stain 570 has been tested on mouse (data not shown).

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