AbSelect (TM) Mouse Antibody Purification Kit

品牌: Novus

Commercially available antibodies often contain substances (e.g. BSA, glycine, tris and azide) that interfere in labeling reactions with enzymes, biotin, streptavidin or fluorophores. The AbSelect Mouse Antibody Purification System quickly removes these contaminants. It can also be used to purify mouse antibodies from crude samples such as ascites fluid.
The mouse antibody to be purified or cleaned up is in a volume of 0.1ml to 0.5ml. Up to 150ug of antibody can be purified in each run. The method involves capturing the mouse antibody on AbSelect Mouse resin. The resin has a high affinity for mouse IgG molecules. Once the mouse antibody has bound to the AbSelect Mouse resin, unwanted substances can be removed by simply washing the resin. The purified product is then eluted and neutralized. The AbSelect Mouse Antibody Purification System is not suitable for use with antibodies from other species. It should be noted that the binding strength of Bovine IgG to the AbSelect Mouse resin is negligible.
The components of the AbSelect kit are fully compatible with the Lightning-Link and Lightning-Link Rapid antibody labeling system (available separately), which allows the purified antibody to be rapidly conjugated with a wide variety of labels.

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