- 内容目录
1. Mouse CD8+毒性T细胞和NK自然杀伤Panel
2. High-dimensional analysis of lymphoid cell in tumorbearing mice
3. Mouse Myeloid cell in tumor 7色Panel
4. Mouse TBNK 骨架Panel
5. Mouse Treg Panel
6. Mouse Macrophages骨架Panel
7. Mouse DC Cell Subset Panel
8. Mouse MDSCS maturation Subset Panel
9. Mouse T cell Subset Panel
10. Human CAR-T Panel
11. Human TBMNK 骨架Panel
12. Human Treg Backbone Panel
13. Human Dendritic Cell Subset Panel
14. Mouse TBNKand Macrophage cells Subset Panel
15. Mouse Myeloid cells Subset Pane
16. Mouse Lymphocytic cells and Myeloid cells Subset Panel
17. Human TBNK Panel
18. Human T cells Subset Panel
19. Human TBNKand DC Subset Panel
20. Human T cells and NK cells and Macrophage cells Subset Panel
21. Human Immunophenotyping Spectrum Flow Cytometry Panel